Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Practical Aspects of Bhakti, Devotional life

What is faith? How does faith grow? What are the symptoms of faith? And what is the evidence of the growth of faith?

Srila B.R Sridhar Maharaj explains:

''Faith is the only means through which we can see, hear, or feel the higher world. Otherwise it is all meaningless to us. To understand that plane, an inner awakening is necessary. We can connect with the upper world only through a higher source. Therefore, divyam jnanam, knowledge of the higher plane, is not ordinary knowledge; it is transcendental, supramental feeling, and sense. By sraddha alone we can attract the infinite and when sraddha develops a definite form, after progressing through bhava, ecstatic emotion, sraddha becomes prema—divine love.

Columbus set sail, and after a long voyage, finally arrived in America. He reached the land of good hope. In the same way, with hope, sraddha, faith, we may, after crossing Vaikuntha, arrive in the highest plane of the spiritual cosmos. Sraddha is our light in the darkness. Only sraddha can guide us when we are travelers in the infinite: "I have heard that this is the way to that place—"that spirit will keep our hearts enlivened.

The definition of sraddha is given in the Caitanya- caritamrta: "Faith is the firm conviction that by serving Krsna, all other purposes are automatically served." No risk, no gain. Greatest risk, greatest gain. Krsna reassures us, "I am everywhere. There is no need to be afraid at all. Just realize that I am your friend. I am all in all, and you are Mine. To believe this is your only fare for the journey to the land of faith."

''Faith comes from faith, from sraddha. Bhakti from bhakti.
Bhakti ahaituki. Ahaituki apratihata. Bhaktya sanjataya bhaktya.
Bhakti is the cause of bhakti. Nothing can produce bhakti. Nothing can produce faith. Just as from one candle another candle is lit. A candle is lit from another candle, is it not? So faith from the heart of a devotee can be transferred into another. Guru, sadhu, from the upper plane it extends.''

Development of Divine Faith:

adau sraddha tatah sadhu sango 'tha bhajana kriya
tato 'nartha nivritih syat tato nistha rucis tatah
atha saktis tato bhavas tatah premabhyudancati
sadhakanam ayam premnah pradurbhave bhavet kramah

(Srila Rupa Goswami Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu 1.4.15)

In the beginning there must be faith, born of good fortune (sukriti). Then one becomes interested in associating with pure devotees. Thereafter, one is initiated by the spiritual master and executes the regulative principles under his orders. Thus one is freed from all unwanted habits and becomes firmly fixed in devotional service. Thereafter one develops taste and attachment. This is the way of sadhana-bhakti, the execution of devotional service according to the regulative principles. Gradually, emotions intensify, and finally, there is an awakening of love of Godhead for the devotee interested in Krsna consciousness (Cc. M 9.14-15).

Sridhar Maharaj: ''First is sukrti, ajnata-sukrti. Then jnata-sukrti. Then sraddha, then sadhu-sanga, then bhajan, anartha nivritti, ruci, bhava-bhakti, prema-bhakti, sneha. In this way, by gradation. First ajnata- sukrti, the energy spent for Krsna consciousness unknowingly—that will be the first foundation. Next, somewhat knowingly, some contribution may come for Krsna consciousness. Then that will raise me to the plane of sraddha, (faith). I shall search for the Krsna conscious people and mix with them and help them and have association of them. And then next, I shall find a Guru in Krsna consciousness. And then I shall continue my bhajana, my sadhana (spiritual practice), under his guidance. And then the anartha (faults, separate interest), will disappear and I shall get proper attraction, real pure attraction for Krsna consciousness. And gradually I shall go up. These are the stages, from the lowest to be traced. The sastra (scriptures) have given in this way.''

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