Sunday, May 24, 2009


Sridhara Maharaja: '' First is sukrti, ajnata-sukrti. Then jnata-sukrti. Then sraddha, then sadhu-sanga, then bhajana, anartha nivritti, ruci, bhava-bhakti, prema-bhakti, sneha. In this way. By gradation. First ajnata- sukrti, the energy spent for Krsna consciousness unknowingly. That will be the first foundation.

Next somewhat knowingly some contribution may come for Krsna consciousness. Then that will raise me to the plane of sraddha, (faith)when I shall, on the surface I shall search for the Krsna consciousness people and mix with them and help them and have association of them.

And then next, I shall find a Guru in Krsna consciousness. And then I shall continue my bhajana, my sadhana (spiritual practice) under his guidance. And then the anartha (faults, separate interest) will disappear and I shall get proper attraction, real pure attraction for Krsna consciousness.
And gradually I shall go up. These are the stages, from the lowest to be traced.
The sastra (scriptures) have given in this way. ''

1. Sukriti

'' Previous sukriti is spitirual merit gathered from the chance association of the divine agent (sadhu).''
Swami B.R Sridhara

''When we forget Srila Guru Maharaj’s order we receive much trouble. Behind this, two things are acting: one is fortune (sukriti), and the other is our activity. Good fortune, or sukriti is necessary, and that comes through seva (service). Good fortune grows through seva. One who can do real seva will receive a good result. However, one who does ‘seva’ but is always thinking about his own interest must be ignored by bhakti, and bhakti will not go to him. He may live so long and stay for many years in the Gaudiya Mission, but he may not get that bhakti.''
(Srila B.S Govinda Maharaj - Divine Guidance pg. 29)

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