Sunday, June 21, 2009

Bhajana Kriya - Anartha Nivritti

ceto-darpanna-marjanam bhava-maha-davagni-nirvapanam
sreya-kairava-chandrika-vitaranam vidya-vadhu-jivanam
anandambuddhi-vardhanam prati-padam purnamritasvadanam
sarvatma-snapanam param vijayate sri-krsna sankirtanam

“The Holy Name of Krishna cleanses the mirror of the heart and extinguishes the fire of misery in the forest of birth and death.
As the evening lotus blooms in the moon’s cooling rays, the heart begins to blossom in the nectar of the name.
And at last the soul awakens to its real inner treasure —a life of love with Krishna.
Again and again tasting nectar, the soul dives and surfaces in the ever-increasing ocean of ecstatic joy.
All phases of the self of which we may conceive are fully satisfied and purified,
and at last conquered by the all-auspicious influence of the Holy Name of Krishna.”

"ceto darpanna marjjanam - that is the full, clean position of the jiva. The mind, the consciousness, is being fully cleansed by the performance of Nama-Sankirttan.
But cleanliness, purity on it's own is not sufficient. When you are cleaning something, all the dirt that will come out as a result, you will have to do something with that. The dirty things, all our evil tendencies - what will we do with them? - Bhava-mahadavagni-nirvvarpanam - you make a fire there, and that fire of Nama-sankirttan will burn all those things to ashes. First you will cleanse your house, and then you will burn all the filth accumulated there.
And then it's place you will need to establish something good. - Sreyah-karava-chandriika-vitaranam vidya vadhu jivanam
You can start a new life there and you will see the nectarine ray of Krsna-nama bestowing grace upon your head; the service of Sri Krsna in Madhura-rasa.
Sometimes I think that this one sloka is sufficient. There we find Chaitanya, Advaita And Nityananda.
When Sri Chaitanya appears in our hearts, all that is a-chaitanya (not chaitanya ie. pure, ecstatic trancendental consciousness) will flee from there. - Then, Sri Advaita; the feeling of so 'ham - that means Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and I am a part of Him, and Nityananda - ecstasy, nectar, everything. Through the chanting of Hari Nama, the non-different form of Krsna, the pastimes of Krsna will play in the heart.''

''Siksatakam is the gist of all slokas, and in this first sloka we can see that everything is contained there; the living conception of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Who has the eyes, he can see. 'Ajnana timirandhasya' - this is the main thing that we need. Through love and hankering and through the mercy of Krsna, you can reach the service plane of Krsna. It is hard to leave the plane of exploitation, and the plane of renunciation is very harsh without the mercy of Krsna. But dedication, the plane of reality, can clean us. It can give us a higher, authentic position in the transcendental world. This is the plane of dedication.''

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