Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sadhu Sanga - Bhajana Kriya

'' It has been practically experienced that responsible services can help us from falling prey to those disires kama, krodha etc. The faith first, sraddha; sadhu-sanga, then bhajana kriya; deep engagement with the duties designated by the master.
Especially, engagement for the mind, not only for the body. Mental engagement you can only get by responsibility. Some responsible service is given to the disciple. He takes it up in his brain. He cannot but think that 'my mind is engaged there.' So the mind gets no chance for thinking about the other, (unwanted things.) Deep engagement and responsible service, in the physical sense; that helps us a great deal.The disciple serves his spiritual master - pariprasnena sevaya. As much as we are able to engage ourselves in deep responsible services to our master, these desires will come, and seeing that we have no time to give them our attention they will retreat. Then coming twice, thrice, five times they are seeing that we are deeply engaged and have no time to spare. Seva, service, physical and also the mental seva. That means the responsibility only can capture the mind. With responsibility the mind is confident to think about Krsna and Krsna's service. To engage the mind in intense service, that is responsibility.

Then very soon he will find that all those evil tendencies have been done away with. They're gone. They are finished. When?
Bidyate hrdaya granthis etc. He will come to such a a stage. Tato rajas tamo bhava. After a great fight they will have to retire if at this time he maintains the association of the good sadhu and the books. Anyhow the bhakti practices must not be given up or slackened. With more attention they will follow that system of
practices. Gradually one day he will find that they are retiring, those enemies have accepted defeat and they are going away. And then you will find peace. And he will come to see the presence of the Lord. The tidings of the Lord are coming and surrounding him from every direction and they will vanish. They are strangers after all. They are not rightful residents of the heart or mind so they will have to go away. Such a broad and wide conception of faith, sraddha. Krsna is there, devotees are there and they are not a product of imagination, but reality. And when they come to realize the position, the reality, when they will come in touch with the real position of the soul, supersoul, Krsna consciousness proper, the unwanted elements will go. But it is not very easy to get out of their contact. So, adau sraddha tatah, sadhu-sanga, bhajana kriya, tatah anartha nivriti. The result of that bhajan, is that the anartha, the undesirable things will go away. This is the consequence, inseparable consequence of our bhajan.
And our bhajan will take the realistic characteristic. Sravana, kirtana no other duties which we are to undergo now. When it will come to realize its real position, to touch the reality, then anartha nivriti. ''

(Taken from transcriptions of His Divine Grace - Swami B.R Sridhar dev Goswami)

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